Many times user visit this site to find what they are looking but couldnt find what are they looking. Although we are trying to make as user friendly as it is possible and further improve it in coming time but some time a simple procedure can save most time consuming activity. So here are some ways you can save your time and use this site to effectively find out what you are looking out.
1. Use the search option available at the top of this site to find out what you are looking.
2. Use the menu tags(label) to view post(article) in category wise distribution.
3. You can use the topic i recommend to find the special or important topic which can be usefull for you.
4. You can use the similar topic title below the post which are similar to suit yourself.
5. Last but not least there are label ( tag ) below the post similar to menu item but some are not included in the menu item like rajcomics. just click on them to show similar post and narrow down your search result.
And if you want to enjoy this site without any layout hassle or page rendering problems use the recommended browser which are Internet explorer 7 above, mozilla firefox 3 above, google chrome, opera 9 above.
even though this site can work in any browser as we are trying to make it as user friendly as possible.
You can also use other pc browser or can visit this site from mobile to.
for mobile use opera mini and bolt browser. ucweb have some problem with the site becuase of china firewall problem and its page rendering.
And even you can find things here just request it in feedbackNsuggetion link beside home above the page we will be happy to help you.